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Brief Causes Analysis of Abnormal Noise and Abnormal Gear Shifting

Views: 289     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-07-04      Origin: Site

The clutch on the tractor is located between the engine and the gearbox, and is installed on the flywheel of the engine. It is a device that transmits the power of the tractor diesel engine to the gearbox in the manner of a switch.


Tractor clutches are divided into single-acting clutches and double-acting clutches. Double-acting clutches are divided into semi-independent clutches and independent clutches.


Single-acting clutch means that the clutch controls the tractor's operation and power output rotation at the same time. When the driver depresses the clutch, the power for walking and power output is cut off.


Double-acting clutch means that the clutch has the function of separately controlling the tractor's walking and power output. In other words, the tractor's walking and power output can be independently controlled and operated relatively independently.


The characteristic of the semi-independent double-acting clutch is that the clutch has three separating pressure claws, two friction plates, and the main and auxiliary clutches share a separating bearing, which is controlled by a pedal in two stages of travel.


The characteristics of the independent double-acting clutch are that the clutch has six separation pressure claws, two friction plates, two separation bearings, two sets of tractor clutch control mechanisms, the foot clutch pedal only controls walking power, and the hand clutch control lever only controls power output. They operate independently of each other, and do not interfere with each other.


The most common faults and causes of tractor clutch in use are the following three aspects.


tractor diesel engine

1. The abnormal sound of the file


Abnormal sound of tractor gear shifting means that when the clutch pedal is stepped to the end and the tractor engine power cannot be completely cut off, which causes difficulty in gear shifting or a strong beating sound. The free stroke is too large. At this time, the free travel of the clutch pedal needs to be adjusted.


The gap between the normal release bearing and the clutch release lever head is 2-2.5mm. After using for a period of time, this gap may increase more than 2.5mm, and the corresponding free stroke of the clutch pedal will also become larger. At this time, it is necessary to adjust the free stroke of the clutch pedal to the specified stroke of the manual to ensure that the separation gap of the separation bearing is 2-2.5mm, to ensure that the clutch can be completely disengaged when the clutch pedal is pressed to the end.


2. Abnormal noise at the clutch


Abnormal noise at the tractor clutch means abnormal noise at the clutch part when the tractor is running, or abnormal noise at the clutch part when the clutch is stepped on. Common abnormal noise at the clutch part is generally caused by damage to the separation bearing or the separation lever.


tractor engine

When the clutch bearing is damaged, as soon as the driver depresses the clutch pedal, there will be abnormal noise of friction, and the sound will disappear when the clutch pedal is released. At this time, it can be generally judged that the separation bearing is burnt out, stuck, or lack of oil.


When the separation lever breaks and is damaged, there will be a slight noise when rotating at a low speed. When the throttle increases and the speed increases, the abnormal noise becomes louder. At this time, the clutch observation hole cover needs to be removed.


3. Clutch slip


Tractor clutch slip refers to the slow start of the tractor in low gear, the difficult start in high gear, the tractor is weak, and the parking phenomenon occurs when the load increases. But at this time, the sound of the tractor diesel engine is normal and there is no stuffy car phenomenon. When it is serious, the clutch emits smoke and is accompanied by burnt smell, and the clutch plate is burnt.


The reasons for clutch slippage are more complicated. One is the design matching problem. For example, the clutch does not match the tractor itself. The typical is a high-horsepower tractor with a small tractor chassis. The horsepower of the tractor has increased a lot, but the clutch has not changed.


Tractor clutch slip

The second is the quality of the clutch itself. For example, the disc spring pressure is insufficient, which causes the clutch to transmit torque less, and the tractor will slip when the load becomes larger during the operation of the tractor.


The third is improper operation. For example, the half-step clutch pedal causes the clutch to weaken its ability to transmit torque and slip.


Fourth, the oil seal on the rear crankshaft of the diesel engine and the oil seal on the first shaft of the gearbox are leaking.


Fifth, the clearance of the clutch release bearing is too small or there is no clearance, so that the release bearing contacts the head of the release lever, causing the clutch to slip.

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